Have a Hedgie Spa Day!
An important part of keeping up with a hedgehog’s health is making sure both they and their cage are clean and free of dirty bedding, feces, or ammonia that could make them unwell. Our Squeaky Clean Cage Cleaner helps you scrub away any grime (and cut through urine/ammonia that may be lingering in your hedgie’s cage), but how do you get your hedgie clean?
A Hedgie Spa Day, of course! Hedgie Spa Day is a great way to make sure your hedgehog is clean while also helping you bond with your hedgie. And we have just the products to make your Hedgie Spa Day extra special!
Our customers love tagging us in pictures of their hedgies using Hedgehog and Friends products during their Hedgie Spa Days! Here’s our first adorable Spa Day picture from @theodoreable_hedgie! He’s using our all-natural, organic Hogwash Shampoo to make sure he’s picture-ready at all times of day and night!
Prickles from @portraits_of_prickles is making sure that each and every toe is squeaky clean and free of the dreaded poop boot curse! 💀 By letting your hedgie walk around in Hogwash sudsy water, you’re making sure that they’ll be free of those icky poop boots.
Equally important as making sure that your hedgie is clean is making sure your hedgie is moisturized! Dry skin is a common health problem plaguing our quilled friends. After a nice bath, Cupid from @vero_cupid_luna_theo likes to be sprayed down with Coconut Quills skin and quill conditioner. The essential fatty acids of our Coconut Quills formula helps hedgies maintain a healthy coat free of itchy, dry, or irritated skin and keep their quills shiny and healthy.
This is a picture of @oliverquilley’s first Hedgie Spa Day! His person had Oliver all set up with his choice of Hogwash scents and a Coconut Quills treatment ready to go. We’re happy we were a part of such a momentous occasion in Oliver’s life!
Not every hedgehog is happy about a spa day (crazy, right?!), but they can still benefit from a cleaning ritual. @classroomcreatures’ Owie Kapowie may be a little grumpy about her bath, but she’ll enjoy feeling cleaner now soon enough! 😂
We hope you were inspired by all of these pics of Hedgie Spa Day to treat your spiny sidekick to a soothing soak! Feel free to tag us in any pics you might take on our Instagram at @hedgehogsandfriends or on our Facebook, we love sharing happy hedgie photos!
Want to Increase your Scrubbing Power? Use a Bath Brush!
A Bath Brush is an important part of any spa day! Using a brush helps you get every quill and cranny spick and span of your hedgehog, getting them ready for more hedgie adventures!